Marketing my New Boutique

Marketing my New Boutique

Hey Girlies!

It’s Cambry Alyse, and here’s an insider scoop on being a boutique owner! 

I want to start sharing my experiences as a boutique owner, all the highs and all the lows! Since I launched my boutique back in December of 2023, I have been struggling with getting my boutique out there and I have been going to different businesses and posting on Facebook networking group pages. I have been getting more and more feedback on my posts the more I do it, and that is a little step closer to my dream. I have received so many comments about my idea being great & how this industry needs more business attire that’s unique! I am so happy that I am able to fill that need in the boutique world! All the little things are so important no matter what it is. I struggle to remember that and I aim to be more positive because I know it will help me in the long run. Remember that even the little steps closer to becoming successful are big! 
If you could market my boutique how would you do it?

Email me your feedback, any advice is greatly appreciated!


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